Demi Lovato is definitely one of the celebrity that love to experiment with their look. And always fascinate us. This is the reason why is for me definitely beauty icone and my inspiration for look.
Demi Lovato je zagotovo ena izmed tistih zvezdnic, ki si drznejo in rade eksperimentirajo z svojim videzom. In vedno znova nas očara. Zato je zame definitivno beauty ikona po kateri se rada zgledujem.
Pri njej mi je všeč, kako ima vedno drugačen make up. Svoje
rjave oči rada naliči z zlatimi odtenki, ki ji zelo lepo poudarijo oči. Obenem
zelo lepo pokaže kako se lahko zlato senčilo uporabi, kot dnevni ali večerni
make up pomembno je le kako kombiniraš z ustnicami ,ličkami , frizuro ,…
And when I mention her lips. I love her nude look lips, which she usually have when her eyes are in darker shades. And this contrast attracts me the most on her makeups. When she have darker eyeshadows she have nude lips and it is not too much - looks stil natural. But when she have gentle almost imperceptibly shades on eyes then she use the impactor red lipstick. White the red lipstick we have to be really careful because if it is too much of all makeup we can look cheap. But Demi is great example, how to wear red lipstick and be elegant.
Ko že omenjam ustnice. Obožujem njen nude videz ustnic,
katere ima ponavadi kadar so oči močneje naličene. In prav ta kontrast pri
njenih make upih me najbolj pritegne. Kadar močno poudari oči uporabi nude
ustnice in tako ne izpade preveč make upa - ima naraven videz. Ko pa
ima nežno skoraj neopazno naličene oči pa ima na ustnicah udarno rdečo šminko.
Pri rdeči šminki moramo biti pozorni saj če je vsega make upa preveč na obrazu
kaj hitro lahko izpademo ceneno. Demi pa je odličen primer, kako nositi rdečo
šminko in biti elegantna.
But it is not important which style of makeup she wear. She will always have beautiful long lashes. Which emphasize her eyes, that there is no need for the rest of makeup. At the end we can't forget her smile ! Personally I think she have one of the most charming smiles. And it is another proof that with a smile on your face your makeup look so much better.
Ne glede na to kakšen make up ima na sebi naj bo dnevni ali
večerni vedno bo imela čudovite trepalnice. Katere ji tako lepo poudarijo oči,
da že zaradi njih ne bi potrebovala preostalega make upa. In seveda na koncu ne smemo pozabiti njenega nasmeha !
Osebno mi ima enega od bolj prikupnih nasmehov. In je še en dokaz, da z
nasmehom na obrazu si veliko lepši in tudi make up pride veliko lepše do izraza.
Kar se pa tiče nohtov. Je odlični navdih za vse tiste
damice, ki imate svoje kratke nohte in ne dolgih ali pa umetnih. Demi boste
večinoma časa videli z njenimi kratkimi naravnimi nohti. Kar pa še ne pomeni,
da niso urejeni in dolgočasni. Bolj kot urejenost je ponavadi problem, da ko
imamo kratke nohte najti inspiracijo za nail art, ker se ti enostavno vse zdi
lepše na daljših nohtih. No Demi pa dokazuje vedno znova, da lahko z naravnimi
kratkimi nohtki prav tako ustvarjate čudovite manikire oz. nail art.
And for the end, Demi Lovato is one of the celebrity star which always tell her fans that we are all beautiful and unique !
In kot zaključek je ena izmed tistih zvezdnic, ki vedno skrbi in pove svojim oboževalcem, da smo vsi lepi in unikatni!
Love, Tabiči
I like her personality too! Just found your blog... I have a new post you might want to visit sometime... ;) or d you mind following each other via Gfc of any other social medias? let me know if you just like.
Cassie Thriftier
I will go check your post :) and of course we can follow each other :)
IzbrišiGreat Post and nice Blog! Would you like to follow each other? If yes, follow me i follow back as soons as possible !
OdgovoriIzbrišiKeep in Touch xx rabea <3
Thank you. Yes I would like to follow each other :) :*
IzbrišiI am looking for inspiration on makeup for an upcoming company event and this is just great timing. Thanks for sharing. Would you like to follow each other?
Oh I am really happy that my post help you with your inspiration :) Yes I would like to follow each other :)
Izbrišigreat post
OdgovoriIzbrišiwould you like to follow each other?
i'll follow back after that
glad visit here
Thank you and yes I would like to follow each other :)
IzbrišiShe looks great in these pictures. I love the nude lip look too!
Nude look make her so glam :)
IzbrišiShe has 1000 face, like her :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiAutumn in Neverland
everything look so great on her :)!
IzbrišiShe is so pretty and seems like a great person!
OdgovoriIzbrišiHave a fantastic day,
She looks really lovely :)
Izbrišishe is really sweetheart :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiof course we can follow each other :)
Thank you yes she is really pretty :) of course we can follow each other :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiI adore her! She's really so stylish and beautiful, but also very talented and motivating!
OdgovoriIzbrišiI totally agree with you ! She is so motivating person and sweetheart :)
Izbrišivery interesting
OdgovoriIzbrišikeep in touch