ponedeljek, 8. december 2014

The New Black gift :)

Heii :)

Festive December is finally here and this time of joy,love, lights and presents. As probably all we buying the last little things for gift to your loved ones or for yourself, are also well prepared  the retailers and others businesses. In many shop centers they you give discounts or super cute gifts.

I was so surprised this week in the store Ikona in Ljubljana, where I bought a set of The New Black nail polishes and I get a little surprise markers for underlining text in imitation of their sets of nail polish. I think that imitation of cosmetic products are great idea and advertising . However, since my blog is beauty blog and I now write about the markers that I've got, but I could not help to my self not to show you because they are so cute hehe. Therefore, I will now briefly presented cosmetics brand of nail polish The New Black. In many places around the world is very well known and recognized especially in America, in my country is just come and alot of people don't know that you can buy it.

The New Black is an innovative high-quality brand of nail polish. Known by modern shades and nail polishes are available in various sets that are composed in the way that you can create a beautiful and modern manicure at your home. The New Black brand is not only modern and fun but it is also vegan and camphor - free. It contains only the finest ingredients and varnish on the nails persist for a long time. The New Black know that the fashion comes from the streets. Therefore, carefully follow the new trends and their sets include new colors and accessories such as pearls and labels. Her set also has Demi Lovato, who has always interesting manicure (HERE you can look past post for inspiration) and now you can you create their manicure at home .
The review and manicure which I created with their nail polishes I will show you in the following post. Now go quickly  to the store to get a little surprise next ;)


Praznični december je končno tu in s tem čas veselja, radosti, lučk in obdarovanja. Ker verjetno vsi mrzlično nakupujemo še zadnje malenkosti, za obdariti svoje najbližje ali pa sebe, so se dobro pripravili tudi trgovci in podjetja. Marsikje dobimo super popuste ali pa ljubka darila.

Tako sem bila tudi jaz ta teden veselo presenečena v trgovini Ikona v Ljubljani, kjer sem poleg nakupa lakov The New Black dobila flomastre za podčrtavanje besedila, v imitaciji njihovih setov lakov. Takšne imitacije kozmetičnih izdelkov za različne uporabne stvari kot so svinčniki, radirke, zvezki, ... se mi zdijo odlična in uporabna ideja ter reklama. Ker pa je moj blog beauty blog jaz pa sedaj pišem o flomastrih, ki sem jih dobila, vendar si nisem morala kaj da vam jih nebi pokazala, ker so tako ljubki hehe. Zato vam bom sedaj na hitro predstavila kozmetično znamko lakov za nohte The New Black. Marsikje po svetu je zelo priznana in poznana zlasti v Ameriki , k nam pa je šele dobro prišla in marsikdo je še ne pozna oz. ne ve, da se lake lahko kupi, saj mislim, da je trenutno edini dobavitelj pri nas trgovina Ikona (če ve katera, kje pri nas bi lahko še dobile lake napišite v komentar! :) ).

The New Black je inovativna visoko kvalitetna znamka lakov za nohte. Znana je po tem, da imajo moderne odtenke in da lakce kupite v različnih setih, ki so sestavljeni tako, da doma ustvarite čudovite in moderne manikure. The New Black znamka pa ni le moderna in zabavna ampak je tudi veganska in camphor - free. Vsebuje le najboljše sestavine in laki na nohtih obstanejo dlje časa. Pri The New Black se zavedajo, da prava moda prihaja iz ulic. Zato skrbno sledijo novim trendom in v svoje sete vključujejo nove barve ter dodatke kot so biserčki in nalepke. Svoj set pa ima tudi Demi Lovato, ki ima vedno zanimive manikure (TUKAJ lahko pogledaš prejšno objavo za inspiracijo ) in sedaj si lahko tudi ti ustvariš take.
Svojo oceno in manikire katere sem ustvarila z njihovimi laki pa vam pokažem v naslednjih objavah. Sedaj pa hitro po svoj set v trgovino, da dobite še malo presenečenje zraven ;)

Love, Tabiči <3 

12 komentarjev:

  1. They're all so unique looking :)

  2. These look so cool!, thanks for sharing

    Candice | Beauty Candy Loves

  3. interesting post, those look very nice :)


  4. Nice post, love it!

    PS: I follow you on GFC, can you help me too?:)

  5. That's such a cute gift! Highlighters in disguise haha! I love them <3
    Such a lovely post xx
    Have an awesome day
    The Journeys of My Beating Heart

  6. very interesting , come to me

  7. Very Cute ! Love the Colours !!


  8. Oh, I love this, so cute, great idea! :)
    Love your blog, hope to see you soon on my blog
    or Bloglovin
    or Facebook :)
    Kisses from Zurich,

  9. I love Highlighters so much, such a cool gift. Amazing post & would you like to follow
    each other on GFC, Google+ & Bloglovin? Lemme know & lets keep in touch!

