sobota, 9. avgust 2014

Which color is right for yours eyes

Ko pride do senčenja oči se pogosto zgodi, da ne znamo uporabiti barv. Ne vemo kateri odtenki pristajajo našim očem in zelo rado se zgodi, da izberemo napačne. Ker si nobena ženska ne želi takšnih lepotnih kiksov, lahko na fotografiji spodaj vidite kateri odtenki so primerni za katere oči. 
Naj poudarim, da je potrebno še upoštevati barvo las, kože in seveda tudi nianso določene barve. Ta fotografija naj vam bo le v osnovo in v pomoč nato zaupajte sebi.

When it comes to contouring eyes usually happen that we don't know to use a colors. Because we don't know which shade calling to our eyes we usually decide for the wrong shade. But because no women want beauty glitch like this, you can see on the picture which shade is the right for your eyes. 
I would point out that you have to take into account the color of your hair, skin and also shade of certain color. Use this picture only for basis and help and then just trust yourself.

Love, Tabiči

2 komentarja:

  1. Nice tips!

    Thanks for passing by my blog dear :)

  2. Thank you :)
    I love your blog, I think you have amazing pictures ! :)
