petek, 29. avgust 2014


Hi my beautiful readers!

When I do makeup I always use a black pencil for eyes. However very often it happens that the crayons do not work out - they dont have strong pigment, they are not persistent and very often you have black colour everywhere on the face but not on the eyes.

The cosmetics brand Bourjois Paris have really great quality I try different powders and mascaras and till now they never disappoint me. So I decided to purchase their black pencil, which promises stability up to 16 hours. The first thing I like is the look of a pencil. With pencils you don't have really a lot of options of the shape and lines. But this pencil is made with sophistication but what I like the most is that the characters are not cleared from the pen. Hehe I know that this is not so important but personally I do not like where the inscriptions on the products are after use deleted.
Pigmentation and stability of the pencil are 10/10. On your eyes created strong black look which will stay all day long and you will not need to worry about when you have to do to apply. Persistence, I checked on the heat, wind and humidity, and can only say one it is great !!!! This is the main reason that convinces me to re-purchase because there is nothing worse than your pencil starts to melt in the face which is very often done.

Rating Product 10/10


Pri ličenju svojih oči malo kdaj izpustim uporabo črne barvice. Vendar zelo pogosto se zgodi, da se barvice ne obnesejo - niso močno pigmantirane, niso obstojne in zelo pogosto jo imaš na koncu povsod drugod na obrazu samo ne na očeh.

Kozmetična znamka Bourjois Paris me do sedaj z uporabo pudrov in maskar ni še nikoli razočarala, zato sem se odločila tudi za nakup njihove črne barvice, ki obljublja obstojnost do 16 ur. Prvo kar mi je všeč je izgled svinčnika. Glede na to, da pri obliki in zgledu svinčnikov ni ravno veliko možnosti je ta svinčnik za oči narejen z svojo prefinjenostjo in kar mi je najbolj všeč je to, da se črke ne brišejo iz svinčnika. Hehe vem, da to ni tako pomembno ampak osebno me zelo moti če se napisi na izdelkih izbrišejo.
Pigmentacija in obstojnost svinčnika sta 10/10. Na očeh vam pričara močan črn videz, ki pa bo obstal skozi cel dan in s tem vam ne bo potrebno skrbeti, kdaj boste morale opraviti ponoven nanos.
Obstojnost pa sem preverila tako na toploti, vetru in vlagi ter lahko rečem le eno suupeer!!! To je glavni razlog, ki me prepriča v ponovni nakup saj nič ni huje kot to da se ti svinčnik prične topiti po obrazu kar se zelo pogosto naredi.

Ocena izdelka 10/10

Love, Tabiči

6 komentarjev:

  1. thanks :) you said you followed me ! which one is your icon cause I cant find you dear :/

    1. my icon is the same like you see in the comment. I go check and I am your follower :)

  2. Wow looks like an amazing product! Great review, dear! :)

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    1. Aww thank you :) yes we can follow each other :)
