petek, 31. oktober 2014

This is why we contour face ! :)

Definitely you already have heard of contouring and highlighting face. Even though that about this makeup technique we talk very much still many people do not know how to do it or what to achieve. A little joke for you below picture shows how we can change shape of the face. How to do contouring and highlighting I will write in a next post :)
Zagotovo si že slišala za senčenje in temnenje obraza. Kljub temu, da se o tej tehniki ličenja govori zadnje čase zelo veliko še vedno marsikdo ne ve kako in kaj dosežemo. Malo za hec vam spodnja slikca prikazuje kako lahko spremenimo obliko, ko poudarimo obraz. O samem postopku pa v naslednji objavi :)  

Contouring the face make to emphasize the natural shade of the face or defines the face. To achieve proper shading we use two tones darker bronzer than the color of skin. Apply it on the face bone, shadows and side parts of the face, jaw and nose.

Highlighting of the face expose parts of the face, which reaches natural light. Use a powder or. corrector, which should be a shade lighter and slightly shiny, which creates a glow on your face. Do not light areas of the face where we have a strong imperfections (acne, wrinkles, dark circles) because they only put more stress.
Senčenje obraza poudari naravno senco obraza oz. obraz definira.  Da dosežemo pravilno senčenje uporabimo do dva tona temnejši bronzer od polti. Nanesemo ga na kost pod licem, sence in stranske dele čela, čeljust in nos.

S svetlenjem obraza pa poudarimo izpostavljene dele obraza, katere doseže naravna svetloba. Uporabimo puder oz. korektor, kateri naj bo za odtenek svetlejši in rahlo lesketajoč, kar na obrazu pričara sijaj. Nikoli pa ne svetlimo delov obraza kjer imamo močno izražene nepravilnosti (akne, gube, ppodočnjaki) saj jih le še bolj poudarimo.

Love, Tabiči <3

ponedeljek, 27. oktober 2014


Hello beauties // Pozdravljene lepotičke

Who does not know Kim Kardashian? Probably everybody has heard about her at least once. I am always fascinated about her makeup. Today I will focus on smoky eyes. Because I think she's one of those celebrity who know how to wear "smokey eyes" makeup. She excite so many women around the world with this look. We can see this by the numerous videos on youtube and tutorials how to get her smoky eye .

I am one of those who love smoky eye look. And Kim is a big inspiration to me how to combine a strong emphasis on the eyes with lips, hairstyles, clothing or. overall appearance. What do you think about her makeup.? :)
Kdo ne pozna Kim Kardashian? Verjentno je že vsak slišal za njo vsaj enkrat. Mene pa vedno znova očara z svojimi makeupi. Danes se bom posvetila zadimljenim očem. Ker mislim, da je ona ena izmed tistih zvezdnic, ki zna nositi "smokey eye" makeup. In navdušila nad takim makeup mnogo žensk po svetu. To dokazujejo tudi številni posnetki in tutorialsi na youtubu kako do njenega zadimljenega videza oči. 

Sama sem ena izmed tistih, ki obožujejo zadimljeni videz oči. In Kim mi je prava inspiracija kako kombinirati močno poudarjene oči z ustnicami, frizurami, oblačili oz. celoten videz. Kaj pa ti meniš o njenem makeupu.? :)

Love, Tabiči <3

petek, 17. oktober 2014

MAKEUP: All I can say is brown

Heii !!

So today I do this makeup for my friend again. You can already see her when I do makeup for wedding party. And today this girl go to party again hehe lucky her :) So she go to birthday party of someone in here family so I decide to do makeup in brown shades. Because we didn't want to get to smokey eyes and to natural look. So brown shades are perfect for day makeup if you want to have still little smokey eyes :) And  look at her skin she still got that tan from summer .. I am jealous ! :P

Do you like this look? :)

Love, Tabiči 

četrtek, 9. oktober 2014


Hello my beautiful readers !

Anyone who is professionally engaged in make-up has already met with FACE CHART. I very often use it when I'm looking for inspiration and when I want to create a special effects of makeup. Makeup artist use the FACE CHART as fashion designers sketch their creations, so we sketches our makeup and writes which cosmetic products we will use.

On the internet we all the time see the same FACE CHART, so I try to find other examples. There is no difference on the final product. It's just that you choose the face that you prefer. And that has exposed certain parts of the face which you want to emphasize. 

Do you ever sketch you makeup on a piece of paper? :)


Vsak, ki se profesionalno ukvarja z ličenjem se je že srečal z FACE CHART. Tudi sama se jih zelo velikokrat poslužujem posebno takrat, ko iščem inspiracijo in želim ustvariti nekakšen poseben makeup ali ko se pripravljam za posebne makeupe. Gre za to, da z FACE CHARTOM tako, kot modni oblikovalci skicirajo svoje kreacije tukaj makeup artist skicira makeup in napiše katere kozmetične izdelke je uporabil.

Na internetu se pojavlja najpogosteje samo ena oblika FACE CHARTA sama pa sem poiskala še druge. Ni nobene razlike glede na končni izdelek. Gre le za to, da si izbereš obraz, ki ti bolj leži oz. ima izpostavljene določene dele obraza katere želiš poudariti.

 Ali tudi same kdaj skicirate svoj makeup na list papirja? :)

Love, Tabiči <3 

četrtek, 2. oktober 2014

CATRICE COSMETIC Limited Edition “Feathered Fall”

Hello girls! 

Fashion world for the upcoming season Autumn / Winter is surrounding with the creation adorned with feathers. From small sophisticated patterns to large glamorous patterns .

I love Catrice cosmetics and in the autumn they surprised us with Limited Edition "Feathered Fall" collection which offer feather inspired beauty products. The products will fascinated as at the shop from September until the beginning of November. Would you like to know wich products will make us just more beautiful?
Modni svet se za prihajajočo sezono jesen/zima obdaja v modne kreacije, katere krasi perje. Od majhnih prefinjenih vzorcev do velikih glamuroznih. 

Sama obožujem kozmetiko Catrice in za jesen nas je presenetila z Limited Edition "Feathered Fall" kolekcijo kjer ponujajo pirnate inspirirane lepotne izdelke. Ki nas bodo navduševali v trgovini od Septermbra do začetka Novembra. In vas zanima s katerimi izdelki se bomo lahko razvajale?

Luxurious Eyeshadow: //Razkošno senčilo za oči :

Highly pigmented and persistent eyeshadow. You can choose between two shades of gold and almond shade and in two strong colors petroleum blue and color of eggplant.
Visoko pigmentirana in obstojna senčila za oči. Izbirate lahko med dvema odtenkoma v zlatem in mandelj odtenku ter v dveh močnih barvah petrolejski modri in barvi jajčevca. 

Price / Cena: 3,79€

Liquid eyeliner: // Tekoči eyeliner:

Eyeliner with rainbow effect creates a strong distinctly line. It is highly pigmented. The line is the overflow in beautiful shades of blue and Purple.
Eyeliner z mavričnim efektom ustvari močno izrazito črto. Je močno pigmentiran. Črta pa se preliva v čudovitih odtenkih modre in vijolčne. 

Price / Cena: 4,29€

Lip gloss: //Gloss za ustnice:

Shiny gloss that is pleasing to the sensitive lips. With golden pigments makes wonderful effects on the lips.

Sijoč gloss, ki je prijeten za občutljive ustnice. Z svojimi zlatimi pigmenti ustvati čudovite efekte na ustnicah.

  • Price / Cena: 3,79€

Lipsticks: // Šminka za ustnice:

With unique gel-textured lipstick offers stunning soft feel on the lips and delicate, slightly, shiny finish. You can color your lips in the nude, bordeau red, and a mixture of plum and eggplant.
S svojo edistveno gel-teksturo šminka nudi osupljivo mehak občutek na ustnicah in prefinjen, rahlo sijoč zaključek. Ustnice si lahko obarvate v nude, bordo rdečo, ter mešanico slive in jajčevca.

Price / Cena: 4,39€

Nail polish:  // Laki za nohte:

Three limited color nail polishes are available in a very unique artistic bottle imprinted with feathers. They satisfy with the unique and overlapping pigmentation.
Tri omejene barve lakov za nohte so na voljo v zelo edinstveni umetniški steklenički z odtisom perja, prepričajo pa tudi z edinstvenim prekrivanjem in pigmentiranostjo.

         Price / Cena: 3,79€

Feather top coat polish: // Perjasti nadlak za nohte:

Colorless top coat texture contains very small metallic greenish-blue, shiny pigments that create the 3D effect of feathers on the nails. You can use it alone or over colored nail polish
Brezbarvna tekstura nadlaka vsebuje zelo majhne kovinske, zelenkasto modre, sijoče pigmente, ki ustvarijo 3D efekt perja na nohtih. Uporabite ga lahko samostojno ali preko barvnega laka za nohte

What is your favorite product? :) I will definitely buy at least one shade of lipstick since I was with the quality of their lipsticks completely impressed. Also, I like the feather top coat polish.
Kateri je tvoj najljubši izdelek? :) Sama si bom zagotovo kupila vsaj en odtenek šminke saj so me z kvaliteto njihovih šmink popolnoma navdušili. Prav tako pa mi je všeč perjasti nadlak za nohte.

Love, Tabiči <3