nedelja, 28. september 2014

Make up quote #1

Heii :)

I think that this quote is so real. We all should think about this ! It is not just how you look it is so much more important what kind of person you are. Be nice and positive to all people! That is true beauty. :)

Love, Tabiči <3

ponedeljek, 22. september 2014

MAXFACTOR : English Rose lipstick 510

Hello beauties! // Pozdravljene lepotičke!

I am not really fan of lipstick, I'm more a fan of lip glosses so I really surprised myself when I decided to buy Max Factor lipstick. Probably convinced me beautiful pink color with small particles of gold glitters. Which create gently colour on the lips, but still noticeable enough that is suitable for daytime as well as for evening makeup. But what I like most about this lipsticks is that it glide on lips really easily and does not dry out your lips but makes a nice moist feeling. In addition does not have a strong odor. Even more I like it because it is in a simple small black packaging, and we have to carry practically at any time. The color stays long  and looks very nice on lips.

Ker ravno ne posegam zelo veliko po šminkah, sem bolj pripadnica lip glossov, sem se kar presenetila, ko sem se odločila kupiti MaxFactor šminko. Verjetno me je prepričala čudovita rozna barva z majhnimi delci zlatih bleščic. Ki na ustnicah ustvarijo nežno, vendar še vedno dovolj opazno barvo, ki je primerna tako za čez dan, kot tudi za večerni makeup. Kar pa mi je najbolj všeč pri šminki je, da se izredno lepo maže in ne izsuši ustnic ampak naredi prijeten navlažen občutek. Poleg tega nima močnega vonja. Še bolj pa mi je všeč ker je v preprosti majhni črni embalaži, in jo imamo lahko pri sebi praktično kadar koli. In barva je obstoja in pričara lep videz ustnic.

Love, Tabiči <3

torek, 16. september 2014

Autumn colors of nail polish in 2014 // Jesenske barve lakov za nohte 2014

Hello my beautiful readers!!

Autumn is already on our doorstep and each year brings new trends in fashion and makeup. Say goodbye to the intense colors and fluorescent paint this summer and welcome the elegant fashionable shades in earthy tones of dark red, dark purple, dark blue, metallic sijajov to nude shades ... You can choose between matte shades or glitter. 

I personally prefer the current wine red and metallic shades. What about you?

Jesen je že pred našimi vrati in vsako leto prinese nove smernice v modi in ličenju. Poslavljamo se po fluorescenčnih in intenzivnih barvah lakov letošnjega poletja in pozdravljamo elegantne modne odtenke v zemeljskih tonih od temno rdeče, temno vijolične, temno modre, kovinskih sijajov do nude odtenkov... Izbirate lahko med mat odtenki ali z bleščicami. 

Meni osebno je trenutno najbolj všeč vinsko rdeča barva in kovinski odtenki. Kateri pa vam?

Love, Tabiči <3

nedelja, 14. september 2014

What does your nail shape say about you


When we choose the shape of nails we have endless possibilities how to design them. The purpose of shape nails is that the nails and hands look beautiful of course. Like every haircut not suit every face shape and every shade of lipstick not suit every woman ... so we must also take into account the nails that we get the final appearance beautiful, delicate, feminine. When we choose how to design nail tip we need to consider the width of the nail, the nail length, the size of the fingers and palm size. With the wrong shape nails can really quickly reach the opposite appearance. More about which shape of nails suit to which hand in a next post.
Pri oblikovanju nohtov imamo nešteto možnosti, kako jih oblikovat. Smisel oblikovanja nohtov je seveda čim lepši izgled nohtov in seveda roke. Tako kot vsaka frizura ne paše vsaki obliki obraza in vsak odtenek šminke vsaki ženski ,… tako moramo tudi pri nohtih upoštevati vse dejavnike, da je končni izgled lep, nežen, ženstven. Ko izbiramo kako oblikovati nohtno konico moramo upoštevati širino nohtov, dolžino nohtov, velikost prstov in velikost dlani. Z napačno obliko nohtov lahko kaj hitro dosežemo obraten izgled. Kakšna oblika nohtov pristaja kateri roki in prstom več v naslednji objavi.

Through life and different life span, women replace the shape of their nails for quite a few times whether intentionally or not intentionally. Like they say  groomed hands are the mirror of the person and shape of nails also tell a lot about a woman. In the photo below you can read the meaning of the shape of your nails
Skozi življenje in različna življenjska obdobja pa ženske, kar nekajkrat zamenjamo obliko svojih nohtov namerno ali ne namerno. Tako kot pravijo, da so urejene roke ogledalo človeka, tako nohti tudi marsikaj povejo o ženski. Na spodnji fotografiji imate ob vsaki obliki nohta napisano tudi kaj naj bi oblika sporočala.

I always had sworn on a square shape of nails and when all around the world become popular stilleto nails I could not imagine that I will have that shape of nails. Well currently, as you can also see in my current 2 post (here and here) I also have now stilleto nails. Currently I feel the best with this shape. But because of my work I will make shorter nails and returned to the square shape of nails.

What shape of nails do you got? Does the describe of nail shapes on the picture tell about your personality? JJJ
Sama sem vedno prisegala na kvadratno obliko nohtov in ko je po svetu zaokrožil hit o nohtih oblikovanih na špico si nisem morala predstavljati, da bi jih sama kdaj imela. No trenutno, kot ste tudi lahko videli v mojih za zdaj 2 objavah ( tukaj in tukaj) imam tudi sama nothe oblikovane na špico. Trenutno se najbolje počutim s tako obliko.Vendar, ker jih bom morala zaradi svojega dela skrajšati se bom zopet vrnila na kvadratno obliko. :)

Kašne oblike nohtov pa imaš ti? Opiše spodnja slikca na podlagi oblike nohta kakšna si? JJJ

Love, Tabiči <3

četrtek, 11. september 2014


Hello beauties! /// Pozdravljene lepotičke !

Recently back here again prowling through the Croatian coast and tried to take advantage of the last sun rays this summer, whose have been definitely not enough. And as usual I take a look in  stores and drugstores. So I discovered at the beginning of summer in the DM  the wonderful lip balm. Due to the sun and the wind, I had a slightly chapped lips and immediately I saw Rosal Lip Balm: Flash nude.
Nedavno nazaj sem se zopet potikala po Hrvaški obali in poskušala izkoristit še zadnje sončne žarke letošnjega poletja, katerih je bilo zagotovo premalo. In tako, kot ponavadi se tudi tokrat nisem morala opreti trgovinam in drogerijam. Tako sem že na začetku poletja v DM-u odkrila čudoviti balzam za ustnice. Zaradi sonca in vetra sem imela rahlo razpokane ustnice in takoj mi je v oči padel Rosal Lip Balm: Flash nude.

Rosal is a cosmetic brand from Croatia and the quality and packaging may very well be compared with Labello. It's something between lipstick and lip balm.  In comparison with the normal balsams is much more pigmented but not so strong as a lipstick, and in comparison with other lipsticks they much cares lips.
Rosal je kozmetična znamka iz hrvaške in se z kakovostjo in pakiranjem lahko zelo dobro primerja z Labello. Je nekaj med šminko in balzamom za ustnice. Saj v primerjavi z navadnimi balzami veliko bolj pigmentirajo ustnice vendar ne tako močno kot šminka in v primerjavi z drugimi šminkami veliko bolj neguje ustnice.

The packaging is cute and handy little black with a very nice modern prints. I like it because the the cover closes very strong and can not be opened. Lipstick inside is cut off obliquely as lipsticks.

Rosal Lip Balm: Flash nude is a very nutritious formula wich is rich with natural oils that moisturize the lips and give them softness. Contains vitamins A and E, which protects the lips from drying out intensely. And also contains UVA and UVB protection from the sun's rays. From my own experience I can say that my lips after three days of using was being completely changed and you could not see any traces after of drained lips.
Embalaža je prikupna in priročna majhna črna z zelo lepim modernim potiskom. Všeč mi je, ker se pokrovček zelo močno zapre in se ne odpira. Stik znotraj šminke je odrezan poševno, kot pri šminkah.

Rosal Lip Balm: Flash nude je hranljiva formula bogata z naravnimi olji, ki ustnice intenzivno vlažijo in ji nudijo mehkobo. Vsebuje vitamin A in E, ki ščitita ustnice pred intenzivno izsušitvijo. Vsebuje pa tudi UVA in UVB zaščito pred sončnimi žarki. Iz lastne izkušnje lahko povem, da so se moje ustnice po treh dneh uporabe popolnoma spremenile in ni bilo videti nikakršne sledi po izsušenih ustnicah.

You have several different shades. I chose the nude look. Bright small microparticles create a wonderful velvety effect on the lips. On the lips is created a beautiful nude look. But as I said earlier pigmentation of balsam is much smaller if we compared with lipstick. But I like it because it balsam persistent and slowly absorbed into the lips and nourishes them. The smell of the product is nothing special and is very mild.
Na voljo imate več različnih odtenkov. Sama sem si izbrala nude videz. Svetli majhni mikrodelci ustvarijo čudovit žameten učinek na ustnicah. Na ustnicah se ustvari lep nude videz. Ampak kot sem že rekla prej je pigmentiranost balzama veliko manjša v primerjavi z šminko. Všeč pa mi je ,ker je balzam obstojen in se počasi vpija v ustnice ter jih neguje. Sam vonj izdelka ni nič kaj posebnega in je tudi zelo blag.

As I mentioned at the beginning of the post, I was recently back again on the Croatian coast and I have to bought Rosal Lip Balm: Violet touch. Here I was slightly disappointed because we do not get purple shade but they stained in a dark pink color. Still beautiful.
But certainly I will in the future bought another shades. The product is suitable for daytime if you do not want to have intense colors on your lips and you want to nourishes lips.
Kot sem omenila na začetku objave sem bila nedolgo nazaj zopet na Hrvaški obali in nisem se morala opreti, da nebi kupila še Rosal Lip Balm: Violet touch. Tukaj sem bila rahlo razočarana saj na ustnicah ne dobimo vijoličnega odtenka ampak se obarvajo lepo temno roza barvo.
Zagotovo pa si bom v prihodnosti kupila še kašen drug odtenek. Izdelek je primeren za čez dan če ne želiš imeti intenzivnih barv na ustnicah in želiš, da ti obenem še neguje ustnice.

Have you already tested this product, did you like it?
Je morda še katera druga že preizkusila ta izdelek, kakšen se je pa vam zdel?

Love, Tabiči <3

torek, 9. september 2014

ESSENCE: Liquid eyeliner waterproof

Hi my beautiful reders!

If you ask me without any cosmetic product I would not have to live I will probably reply eyeliner. Black line on your eyelids seem to be so timeless and classic as a little black dress in fashion. With eyeliner on your eyelids I think that you can not  make mistake. Of course it requires some skills in hand to create a perfect line on your eyelids. About technicians how to apply eyeliner you will read in the next post.

Today I am going to made a review of my favorite eyeliner which I use quite a few years. Because I think when you find the one eyeliner you have to stay with him. Essence Liquid Eyeliner is waterproof and long-lasting. Packaging is a cute little in a black and blue version in a very nice shape. The applicator is extremely soft sponge specially designed for drawing a line in the form of spokes so that you can draw extremely precise thin line or a thicker. Eyeliner on eyelid dries very quickly - in a few seconds and is not necessary to wait forever, that you don't get smudges all over your face. Eyeliner lasted throughout the whole day and don't clear from the eyelids. Because it is waterproof you can easily enjoy in  the rain, heat or in the pool, the sea and you will not be all over the face black. Tested! Precisely because of the water resistance, I was skeptical at the start to buy a product because it often happens that become the problem when you want to remove the product from your face. And here's another plus because as the skin on your eyelids is extremely fine and thin so we have to take care of her and be gentle when we remove the product and this product you can remover easilywith eye remover.

For me, Waterproof Liquid Eyeliner is currently the best and I use it every day for several years.

The rating of product is 10/10 

Če me vprašate brez katerega kozmetičnega izdelka ne bi morala preživeti bi skoraj verjetno odgovorila da je to eyeliner ali tako imenovan tuš za oči. Črna črta na vekah se bi zdi tako brezčasna in klasična kot mala črna oblekica pri modi. Z eyelinerjom na vekah menim, da ne moreš zgrešiti pr makeupu. Seveda pa zahteva kar nekaj spretnosti v roki, da ustvariš popolno lepo črto na vekah. O tehniki kako uporabiti eyeliner pa v naslednji objavi.

Danes vam bom podala oceno svojega najljubšega eyelinerja katerega uporabljam že kar nekaj let. Saj menim, da ko najdeš tisti pravi eyleiner moraš ostati pri njemu. Essence Liquid Eyeliner je vodoodporen in dolgo obstojen. Embalaža je prikupno majhna v črno modri različici in meni osebno zelo lepe oblike. Aplikator je izredno mehka gobica posebno oblikovana za risanje črte v obliki špice tako, da lahko rišemo izredno natančno tanko črto ali pa debelejšo. Eyeliner se na veki zelo hitro posuši – v parih sekundah in ni potrebno tako kot pri nekaterih čakati celo večnost, da se ti ne razmaže. Eyeliner je obstojen skozi cel dan in se ne briše iz veke. Zaradi svoje vodoodpornosti pa lahko brez težav uživate na dežju, vročini ali pa v bazenu, morju in ne boste bile cele črne. Preizkušeno ! Ravno zaradi vodoodpornosti pa sem bila na začetku skeptična za nakup izdelka saj velikokrat se zgodi, da potem s težavo odstraniš izdelek iz obraza. In tukaj pa je še en plus saj ker je koža na vekah izredno nežna in tanka moramo skrbeti za njo in biti nežni pri čiščenju in izdelek z odstranjevalcem za oči enostavno odstranimo.

Zame je Liquid Waterproof Eyeliner trenutno najboljši in ga redno vsak dan uporabljam že kar nekaj let.

Ocena izdelka je 10/10

Love, Tabiči 

sobota, 6. september 2014

MAKEUP : inspiration Slo basket team

Hello my beautiful readers! :)

Ok like you can read in my last post you can know that now when is basketball world cup 2014 I all the time watch games. :) And today ( right now ) is again game of slovenia team! And usually when I go watch games alive I always make makeup or nails in the colours of the team. Unfortunately I am not in Spain right now so I have to watch game in front of the TV but I get inspired to do makeup in the colour of the my team.
I hope you like it :)

Makeup that I use:
REVLON powder - Custom Creations 040 medium
MAKEUP REVOLUTION LONDON - The matte effect cover & conceal 12 darkest
MAKEUP REVOLUTION LONDON - Focus & fix eye primer
COASTAL SCENTS - 88 Colour eye shadow palette
ESSENCE - Liquid eyeliner waterproof
ESSENCE - Volume boost mascara
BOURJOIS PARIS -Khol & Contour 16h Noir Expert 72
ESSENCE - Silky touch blush 50 sweetheart

Love, Tabiči 

petek, 5. september 2014

MANICURE: purple glitters


Here are my nails again. They are normal with little glitters. The true reason why I didn't do any special nail art is that I probably change 4 colors and different styles of manicure and I didn't like it. So at the end I decide for something simple. Right now I don't post so often because you probably already know it is basketball world cup 2014 and my obsession of basketball take me right now a lot of time. But now is a weekend and I will write more post and also I have to show you some new pictures of makeups.
I hope you like this glitter manicure :)

Love, Tabiči

sreda, 3. september 2014

Maybelline Affinitone Perfecting & Protecting

Hello my beautiful readers !

This is the liquid foundation, which allows a controlled multi-layered applying and don't clog the pores. The basis is enriched with vitamin E, which allows the skin to long-lasting hydration and feeding the skin. Vitamin E is the reason why I decided to buy this product.What I like about this is product is a nice spreadable and really does not notice on the face that you use a powder - does not accumulate in lumps. And it offers the natural look of the skin as they  promised in the company Maybelline. Surface itself is very light and the texture is very soft and malleable nice.
The only thing that bothers me is the poor coverage because different pimples and pigmentation signs are not obscured enough. And it is necessary to use concealer if we want to cover small skin imperfections. In addition, I would prefer if the product was in a different packaging for example on the dispenser. Because foundation is really very smooth and despite gentle squeeze comes from packing too much and whenever I open the cover quite a few powder, which accumulates at the cover.
But most of all I like the fact that it is suitable for all skin types. Because no additional greases skins and it also not dry out even more. In addition, a very large variety of bright shades that are natural looking and not orange tone. Just for me personally the darkest shade is too bright at that moment because my skin on face is darker because of the sun.

I recommend to buy this powder through the summer,because it is important that the basis is light and for all those who want the natural appearance of the skin.


Je vlažilna tekoča podlaga, ki omogoča nadzorovan večslojni nanos, ki ne maši por. Podlaga je obogatena z vitaminom E, ki koži omogoča dolgotrajno vlaženje in hranjenje kože. Ravno zaradi vitamina E sem se odločila za nakup tega izdelka. Kar mi je všeč pri tej podlagi je to,da je lepo mazljiv in da se skozi dan resnično ne opazi na obrazu, da je prisoten puder – ne nabira se v grudicah. In res nudi naraven videz kože tako kot obljubljajo pri podjetju Maybelline. Sama podlaga je zelo lahka in tudi tekstura je zelo nežna in lepo mazljiva.

Edino kar me moti je slaba prekrivnost, saj različnih mozoljčkov in pigmentnih znamenj ne zakrije dovolj dobro. In je nujno potrebna uporaba korektorja, če želimo prekriti te manjše nepravilnosti na koži. Poleg tega pa bi mi bilo bolj všeč če bi izdelek bil v drugačni embalaži npr. na pumpico. Saj je puder res zelo tekoč in ga kljub nežnemu stisku priteče iz embalaže veliko preveč in tudi vedno, ko odprem pokrovček je kar nekaj pudra, ki se nabere na samem pokrovčku.

Najbolj pa mi je všeč to, da je primeren za vse tipe kože. Kajti ne masti dodatno kože prav tako pa je ne izsuši še bolj. Poleg tega je zelo veliko različnih svetlih odtenkov, ki so naravnega videza in ne oranžnega. Mogoče je meni osebno le najtemnejši odtenek trenutno presvetel, ko sem zaradi sonca veliko temnejša v obraz.

Nakup tekočega pudra priporočam, skozi poletje, ko je pomembno, da je podlaga lahka in nežna ter vsem tistim, ki pristajajo na naraven videz kože. 

Love, Tabiči